Saturday, June 03, 2006

Maysville's first mayor

I'm excited to have received a picture of James Jackson Meaders, Maysville's first mayor. I had been working on the Suddath line of Gillsville & Maysville with Mrs. Betty Rose Suddath Young of Macon GA and in the process discovered that she was related to the Meaders line and had a picture of J. J. Meaders. I hope to include this picture in my future book on Maysville's early history.

Monday, February 13, 2006

1870 US Census JC

This week I'm abstracting families from the 1870 US Census of Jackson Co GA that were in the Maysville area. I printed almost fifty pages of families, so I'll be adding new family members to the Maysville tree at Rootsweb.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Added newspaper clippings

Mrs. Betty Short Brooks loaned me a collection of old newspaper clippings that she had which she felt would interest me. There were lots of pictures from the early 1970's in the clippings. I spent most of today scanning those photos and transcribing the text. I was particularly fond of the pictures of Perino Boswell's early days as a Maysville policeman.

She also had a Dec. 16, 1955, edition of The Maysville Herald. I had only seen one other edition. It took almost three hours to transcribe that paper but I've got it on the VM site now.